Véronique Barrillot sees and paints simultaneously, two superimposed states, as
described by quantum physics. Her painting exists only in the eye and
movement of the viewer. Engagement is necessary to decipher the work.
Her art is neither an optical illusion nor an anamorphosis nor an effect of
artificial intelligence but a unique work.
The superposition of states
Véronique Barrillot’s paintings have a double reality, counterintuitive and
breaking with our usual perception. It is a unique experience that questions our
perception. Depending on whether the viewer looks closely or from afar,
whether they move forward or backward, they do not see the same painting.
The two painted subjects interfere, they are “entangled” in the quantum sense,
without ever mixing.
Art and the brain
Véronique Barrillot’s singular skill has attracted the attention of experts from
the neuroscience department in Lausanne, who study her brain imaging. They
observe hyperconnectivity and plasticity in her brain and a unique ability to
combine high and low spatial and temporal frequencies.
Iconic Figures
In choosing her characters or themes, Véronique Barrillot favors iconic and
universal figures from history, politics, art, or literature, not forgetting the great
figures of quantum physics, starting with Schrödinger.
An Unconventional Path
Born in 1969, Véronique Barrillot is a self-taught artist, who became a full time
artist in 2010 after a career in marketing and sales. From her studio in the heart
of historic Dijon, she has gained an international audience and exhibited in
Paris, New York, Miami, Palm Beach, Monaco, Lausanne, Martigny, Assens
and of course Dijon.
From her experience as a large format mural painter Véronique Barrillot learned to control visual distances creating a unique technique superimposing two images within a single painting. This is known as Double Vision.
This particular ability attracted CHUV, Lausanne department of clinical neurosciences.
In 2017 she received the Trophée Jean Charles Hachet
Other recipients of this award are Pierre Cardin and the sculptor Cesar.
You can also find her in her exhibition workshop at 15 rue Charrue in Dijon, France